Liberating Structures

Organisations fail to achieve their full potential because of inherited beliefs that become ossified as business-as-usual conventions and policies .

One of these is the command-and-control paradigm that is the legacy of centuries of human warfare. Its purpose is to concentrate decisions and influence.

The Information Revolution has changed the World so much that these historical organisational structures are no longer fit-4-purpose.

Adaptive evolution of more effective and economical working relationships requires innovative designs that are validated in actual use.

Prosperous future organisations need safe environments for learning and fun (SELFs).

Liberating Structures are a set of simple, validated processes that are designed to make meetings more purposeful, productive and enjoyable for all participants.

Each process is a tool that is designed to provide just enough structure to liberate the collective energy of the participants without dissolving into messy chaos.

Each tool is simple enough to learn, apply and practice quickly.

Each is a set of rules for a game that is safe, fun, effective, economical, teachable and scalable.

Liberating Structures are an excellent example of a disruptive innovation in action.

One application liberating structures is as part of a design for a SELF:

Safe Evironment for Learning and Fun.