Do you want to learn how to

Improve Safety (reduce risk of harm)
Improve Flow (reduce queues and waits)
Improve Quality (reduce distress)
Improve Productivity (reduce cost)

... at the same time ...

... in your health and social care system?

A Health and Social Care System is a Complex Adaptive System

A complex adaptive system (CAS) has a complicated structure and often displays complex, counter-intuitive and confusing behaviour.

Understanding how a CAS works requires Systems Thinking.

Changing how a CAS works requires Systems Engineering.

When we develop our knowledge of both, we become better able to improve Safety, Flow, Quality and Productivity ... at the same time.

And the improvements are surprising, significant, synergistic and sustained.

Would you like to see how you could develop these valuable skills?

Health Care Systems Engineering

There is an international standard framework for Systems Engineering called ISO/IEC 15288:2015.

The application in health and social care requires techniques and tools that are specifically designed for the health and social care domain.

This is called Health Care Systems Engineering (HCSE).

Anyone working in health and social care can learn how to do this.

Learning-by-doing is the most effective and the most enjoyable way to do this.

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The Study-Plan-Do Cycle

The first step is to observe and Study some examples of HCSE in action.

The Journal of Improvement Science has lots of case studies.

Then we adjust some of our assumptions, shift our orientation and reveal the new opportunities.

The Improvement Science Blog has a feast of food-for-thought.

The second step is to design a Plan to develop our HCSE awareness, knowledge and skills.

The Foundations of Improvement Science in Healthcare outlines some first steps.

The third step is to Do the first step on our plan.

The One Day Practical Skills Workshops are an enjoyable and effective way to learn-by-doing.

Would you like to see the HCSE framework?

The ISO/IEC 15288:2015 standard stresses the importance of the system life-cycle; from concept, through development, growth and maturity to retirement.

6M Design® is a proven, robust, generic, life-cycle framework based on the Study-Plan-Do principle.

In medicine, a key milestone is a holistic diagnosis that respects all significant inputs and influences.

Establishing a valid diagnosis, plan and prognosis requires the most experience.

That essential experience is gained through guided-learning and supported-practice.

The process for developing HCSE skills is exactly the same.

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